Auto Repair Shop North Richland Hills | Callaway's

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Shoot the Moon

Before the morning coffee break was over, the cable news blared out-of-this-world info:  "Shoot the Moon" and "President Wins Nobel Prize". We didn't blink.

Steady.  Honest.  Reliable.  Trustworthy.  Fair.

We don't get caught up in the headlines.  We just take care of what's in front of us.

If you count on your car to get you to work and keep your reputation as Steady, or Reliable, or Trustworthy...then come to Callaway's Automotive and trust us with your vehicle's maintenance.  We can help you keep your reputation!

Don't count on shooting the moon, or winning the big prize.   We think just working hard and being fair are worth far more in the long run.
